
We delivered video graphics for a dance show of approx. 5 minutes during an internal event. Dancers are Ane Evjen Gjøvåg and Andreas Roksvåg. Choreographer is Silje Maubach Alvær. Lighting design by Martin Falk Pettersen. The producer is Christian Hammersland.

Since the show was produced for internal use, we unfortunately do not have the rights to show the show with music, but we can show animations and still images.

Incredible precision

All graphics were produced in advance, so the two dancers had to have incredible precision to know where and when to hit the graphics behind them.

Video magic

The interaction between the graphics on the canvas, the light in the hall and the dancers on stage should feel like a unit, and even if the graphics were already ready-made when the dance was underway, it should feel organic and as part of what was happening on stage.

Some scenes from the dance show

Dancers are Ane Evjen Gjøvåg and Andreas Roksvåg. Choreographer is Silje Maubach Alvær.

The graphics and the physical lights in the hall played together. Lighting design by Martin Falk Pettersen.


Early in the process, we filmed the entire choreography, so that we could use it as a reference for the graphics production. With the help of the reference video, we could e.g. track every joint of the dancers, and add effects that would match the dancing during the show. This was as long as the dancers were able to dance exactly the same on the reference and the show, and they did it perfectly.


Here is an example of the result of the tracking above, used in a scene in the finished show.

Many thanks to Experience for the assignment